I love movies. Plain and simple. I do not love creating them, however, as I found out these past two weeks. It takes so much more than a camera and a subject. There are way too many things to think about when you try to tell a story through video. Over the past two weeks I completed multiple assignments that looked to test my patience and creativity. Here are my video assignments for the week:
First I present a return to the silent era. This assignment called for a movie trailer that looks like it might have been made when movies were good. I took a trailer from The Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and played with it to make it look not only black and white but a little grainy as well. I also included the song Lux Aeterna which is a pretty versatile song. I took the audio and ran it through a couple of effects with Audacity and I also tinkered with the equalization to make it sound a little warped from age. I love the way this turned out.
Next I did a character/genre mash-up. I have to confess this is something I always wanted to do, these two weeks worth of assignments just gave me the drive to do it. I took the old, very cheesy Spiderman intro from the very old and cheesy t.v. show and set it to some clips from the new Amazing Spider-man. This short clip took more time than I planned because I had to play with each clip and try to match it with the audio. I also raised the tempo of the song to make it a little more energetic and modern. Let me know how I did in the comments.
Then I decided to try to Hitchcock a scene. This assignment requires three short shots repeated but with a different shot in the middle. Confused? .. me too. The idea is to show the difference in a scene when the focus of the scene is turned on its head. I chose an old favorite to display the difference.
Continuing with Hitchcock and also using similar cinema theories, I tried out the Kushelov Effect. Here is the wiki for Kushelov’s Experiment:
The idea here is to change the way the audience sees emotion based on the surrounding scenes. The magic and power of editing is on display here.
Finally I did a montage of overused training montages. I saw this assignment a few weeks ago and knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Little did I know, its a very popular mashup. Here is my version which may just get lost in the others on Youtube:
Let me know how you think I did this week and what I might have been able to do better. Be nice though because sometimes I’m not.
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