This is rather redundant. I’m going to do a How to complete “How to ______.” Here goes.
To complete this assignment:
THE FIRST STEP is to brainstorm a character from one of your favorite TV shows, or just a character in general that displays a particular personality trait more often than not. This is something that you should really think about. What TV shows have you been watching lately? What characters stick out in your mind? Why? These are important questions, because you’re going to want to use the answer to these questions later. Dig deep.
THE SECOND STEP is to take that character, and design a kind of icon, or symbol that you can use to relate to the character. What is something from the show that reminds you of your chosen character? Will it remind others? Is it something that is seen often in the show? OR if you are making a book cover, use a scene from the show. Edit it/create it using your favorite design tool, whether it is Photoshop, Picasa, or the like. Make sure it grabs the user’s/reader’s attention. I used Picasa and added boarders and used a color scheme from the show’s opening credits.
THE THIRD STEP and final step, is to add the captions. This will also be done with an editing tool. Make sure you add “How To [insert character’s name here]” on it somewhere, and then add what it is the reader/user will be learning about. (i.e. Espionage, Cocktailery, etc., see my example here).
Once you think it’s finished, save it, and upload it to Flickr. Don’t forget to add the appropriate tags so that we all can see what you came up with!
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