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Daily Create

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Hi everyone! I’m Brooke. I’m a senior history major here at UMW, and I’m also working towards a teaching license for secondary education.

I’m a Resident Assistant, as you will find out in the video below, and I love my job. Just like teaching, it’s rewarding despite the hard work. I also have a summer job at my local Lowe’s Home Improvement store, and I work in the Home Decor department.

I’m an avid fan of the A Song of Ice and Fire series and the Game of Thrones tv series, so I may do some posts or daily creates involving the show/book at some point.

One of my favorite things to do is research (I know, right?). I am pretty good at finding something that I’m looking for either in a book or on a website. Also, I’ve always loved messing with digital art, making videos, and creating blogs, so I’m excited about how DS106 will both exercise and expand my skills in digital storytelling.

I also reddit and have a tumblr, because they are great distractions when I should be doing classwork.

Check out this video for my daily create:

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