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Getting My .GIF on | Part 2

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As I promised yesterday I’ve got “West Nile Virus Cartoons” for you.  (A.K.A. .GIF’s.)

First things first, again, the assignment:

Say It Like the Peanut Butter

“Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.”

A couple of tools that helped make  this experience pleasant, even fun at times-

  • PwnYouTube  This was a valuable resource to grabbing scenes from movies.  Go there now if you haven’t, just add the bookmarklet to your toolbar and begin your YouTube PWN’ing.
  • I used this Youtube .GIF Tutorial to help me figure out what to do in Photoshop.
  • Photoshop CS 6
  • I got my .GIF on.





200 Cigarettes






Haunted Honeymoon




The Princess Bride


I think this one fits the assignment the best with the “movement is minimal but essential” criteria, plus, I HEART Buttercup.



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