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Creativity is a Daily Thing

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I did a few Daily Creates this week. I didn’t get as many as I thought I would, but I’m not a creative writing person, so those are always hard for me. I’ve been trained to write like a history major, and it’s been hard to break that.

For Monday’s Daily Create, the assignment was to take a photo of the one thing you must see, do, eat, hear, etc. everyday.

This was easy for me. I obsessively keep three calendars/schedules. With such a crazy amount of things to do my last semester of senior year, I can’t slip up!

Enthusiastic Schedule-Keeping

For Tuesday’s Daily Create, we had to submit a favorite monologue from a movie with every third word removed. While some people used “____” to show which words were missing, I decided not to do that. I think the message of the monologue changed and was more interesting with all those words removed, too. You can read the “new” monologue here.

For Wednesday’s Daily Create, the epic task that I had been waiting for was finally there! I got to design a poster of an action movie starring Julia Child. And here is my masterpiece. I used Photoshop CS6 for this one. I took a photo I found of Julia Child and drew a selection around her head and hair. Then I copied the selection onto this Kill Bill poster and used a paint brush matched to the yellow/black to “erase” Uma Thurman’s hair. I then found a photo of a basic skillet and erased the white background it had. Then I drew a selection around it and copied it to the poster. I erased a bit of the handle so it looked like she was holding it. Then I “erased” the sword beneathe it by painting over it. I painted some black onto her leg, and then set the opacity very low (can’t remember the exact amount). Finally, I used the Impact font to recreate the title in something more appropriate.

Julia Child

For Thursday’s Daily Create, we had to take a photo of our favorite beverage and make it art. I’ve had Cocoa Puffs a lot recently, and the milk that is left over is my absolute favorite part. I decided to take it one step further and “make it art” by showing everyone how some of the shadows remind me of the Pringles guy!

Pringles Chocolate Milk


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