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Now you see me…

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Daily creates for week three were fun and easy :) Last week I did writing ones, so this week I did pictures! Trying to mix it up a little by doing things I’m not the most comfortable with.


This is something broken: a crayon that I accidentally snapped while trying to draw—of all things–my vonnegut story arc for this class. I ended up drawing that on the computer, because I’m terrible at crayons apparently.



This is my friend’s arm, a pretty interesting surface, and upon it I have drawn a rather boring little house-and-tree-scene. The only thing missing is the hole in the tree with the pair of eyes. I don’t know why kids always draw their trees like that, but they always do. It’s actually a little creepy. What’s in that hole, man?? Owl? OR EVIL SPACE MONKEY. I d e k.



aaaand this is my blue screen of death. I’m a bit of a Tolkien nerd, and I thought this was funny. Maybe that’s just me.


I made the first two images using my iPhone 4. I uploaded the images to twitter and then saved them to my desktop, after which I inserted them here. I am SURE there is an easier way, but that’s how I know how to do it and I am super duper lazy (and also wayyyy behind on my work this week. Eek!)

The third image I was EXTRA super duper lazy. I literally just made a blue page in the Mac App “Paintbrush” and typed the words with the text insert button. Saved it as a Jpeg and uploaded it here. Slightly different processes but overall, super easy and quick. And fun ^^


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