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Random Photos Can Create a Story

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Five Card Story: Lesson Learned

a Five Card Flickr story created by HeyMsParker

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

The two boys loved playing in the city. That’s how they met, after all. Then on a dreary day in September, one of the boys dared the other to climb the tallest wall, the one they passed every day on the way home from school. The boy made it to the very top but couldn’t get back down or pull himself over it.

The other boy stood under him with his arms stretched up and said he would catch him. The boy on the wall fell and hit his friend in the face. They went to a neighbors house for a bandage to cover the cut on his chin. They agreed that they would tell the parents that they tripped on the stairs after they got off the train.

The hurt little boy’s parents didn’t believe him, though. They grounded him for weeks, and he was no longer to play with the little boy. So he played alone.

He still visits the wall once a year, but the wall has changed from what he remembered it to be.

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