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Not going to lie: my summary of week three is “AAAAAAAUGH!”

I was so, so, so behind this week. I did sign up for a slot on the radio though, so that’s excite.

O_o I didn’t even manage to comment on other peoples’ work. (FOR SHAMMEEEE) I feel pretty bad about that :P (I did however receive comments from Chelsea and Kaitlyn, and that was cool. They seemed to like my stuff, and Chelsea gave me some advice about making that gif animate–which I’m working on now.)

Have some links to things I did manage to do!

And heeeere are my submissions to the daily create!

Screen Shot 2013-02-03 at 10.23.20 PM Screen Shot 2013-02-03 at 10.24.46 PM

The things I’m having the most trouble with is keeping track of the sheer NUMBER of assignments. I have a lot going on, and I feel like I’m always letting little things slip through the cracks. O_o I need to work on that. I also need to manage my freaking time better–let’s call week three a learning experience, trial by fire, that kind of thing. Next week I’m going to be way more militant about how I do things and WHEN. And I’m going to make ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY sure that I have a comprehensive list of ALL THE EVERYTHING that is due.

Blech, this week! I’m seriously loving the class, I promise, but this week just flew by way too fast and was full of a lot of brain-taxing things. It makes it hard for me to focus on the things I ACTUALLY like–like this class. Gosh darn it.

Also, if I’m not wrong, we were told on CANVAS to make two submissions, but not in the weekly assignment list. Whut up with that, prof?

Also prof, RE this:

We’ll be ramping up our Daily Create activity this week. You must complete three daily creates this week. As always blog about them in your weekly summary- either embed the media (for photos and video) or link to them for Writing Daily Creates. You do not have to do individual blog posts for Daily creates, you can write one summary post at the end of the week. Just be sure to organize it in a category on your blog.

Are we supposed to embed in the SUMMARY and categorize as both summary and daily create? Because you had us make a daily create category, I thought.

Or, can we embed in a separate post and categorize that as DC, and then LINK to that post in the summary? thankkks

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