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Definition of Photoblizing- taking photos (with a specific topic) in 20 minutes.



Open Window

A feeling of “openness.”

To Items that don't go together

Two items that don’t go together. A toaster and hairspray=a fire

Looking up at lanterns

Something at an unusual angle (looking up at lanterns)

Red Keurig

Something that’s is a dominate single color

Converging Lines

Converging Lines

End Time

DONE! This picture is simply for the time, not the cute starfish ;)

Okay well I took a few more than those, but we were required to upload 5 of the best ones, plus I included the time photos.

I took all these picture in my room mainly because I do not have classes today so I tend to just hang out in my room and do work all day. This was a fun process. I was a bit worried that I would have anything in my room to take a picture of, but I actually found a lot of objects to take pictures of. The photos above are the best ones I took personally. I didn’t edit them, except for cropping a few. I broke out my nice paparazzi camera (Nikon D3100), that I have no idea how to use, to take the pictures, except for the end time photo which is a screenshot of my iPhone.

I looked at pictures from StephanieSophie, Fairuz, and Kelsie (link takes you to the actual photo I commented on). All three ladies had really great photos for the photoblitz activity. But I picked my favorite out of the ones they had up to comment on! I think they captured the true essence of the theme they picked.

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