Spam is the worst, is it not?
Thanks to my “Akismet” plugin, I don’t see spam comments on the blog unless I click on the “Spam” tab. I have to admit that reading through the Spam comments makes me laugh and shake my head! So ridiculous and the spelling is atrocious!
So when I randomly found the “Taking Back Spam” 1 star audio assignment, I new I had to do it. You can use spam from your email, blog, etc. I choose to scroll through the blog’s spam file and see what I could find and I decided upon this one.
I then used audacity to record my reading of it. I went with an “annoying stuck-up OMG, dramatic” girl voice. Could there be a better way to describe it? I’m not sure, so we will go with that phrasing.
After I finished recording, I simply uploaded it to Soundcloud. Easy enough.
Star total: 3/5
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