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Week One Summary

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There was a lot to do this week, so I’m glad I got started early. The first thing we were supposed to do was create our domain and install WordPress on it. I had already done this before school started, so I could already check it off the list. I then registered myself and my blog on the ds106 site which was fairly simple. Later in the week, I decided to customize my blog. I installed a different theme and added a background picture. Also, some struggle, I figured out how to make different categories and different pages on my blog for each category. You can see these and navigate to the different pages at the top of the screen. I have decided to post all of my posts under “Home” and then, if they fit under another category, also post them in that category. For example, this post can be found under “Home” and under “Weekly Summaries.” I will create more categories later if necessary.

I then chose an “gravatar” for myself.

PengiesI chose this picture of three penguins because penguins are one of my favorite animals and I think it’s a cute picture. When I later made all of my social media accounts, I made this my picture as well. (Except for SoundCloud because whenever I try to upload a picture it doesn’t work.)

The next thing I did was create Twitter, Flickr, and SoundCloud accounts. I decided to use the YouTube account I already had. These accounts were pretty easy to make and I used the same username for all of the new ones (KellyM_umw).

I then moved on to the more challenging task of introducing myself. I tried to be creative in my introductions. If you are interested in a more in-depth description of my introductions, see my post Getting to Know Me.

First was my Twitter introduction:

This one was not too difficult. All I did was try to think of a way to quickly introduce a few things about myself and decide to list a few of my favorite things.

Next I did my Flickr introduction. I had never used Flickr before, but I found that it was pretty simple to use. I even downloaded the app and was able to use that to download some pictures. I decided to post some pictures from different things that I did this summer. Descriptions of these pictures can be found in my Getting to Know Me post.

Sean and I at a Nationals game #ds106

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

I then moved on to YouTube. I wanted to introduce myself in a way that wasn’t just me sitting in front of my computer screen talking, so I was looking through some videos on my phone for inspiration. I came across a video of me flipping an omelet which gave me the idea to make a video showing some of my accomplishments (most of which are kind of silly).


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