Had a rough week getting started but “they” say it’s always the hardest getting started. I really enjoyed the assignments this week and I cannot wait to get going with the rest of the summer session. I enjoyed the photo safari, developing an online presence, and creating some digital media. Soundcloud, Flickr, Twitter, Youtube, are the social media platforms that we started up this week and you can find links to all these places through my about tab. I also created three daily creates this week which you can find here. The Visual Assignments were tough but a lot of fun and you can find all ten stars underneath the Visuals tab within the Assignments tab in my menu above. I enjoyed reading my other classmate’s blogs and seeing their assignments. I would like to engage with them more this following week. Overall, I’m enjoying the experience so far and cannot wait to get more done this summer. It will be tough to balance our digital and analog lives but I am up for the challenge.
I learned not to wait to the last minute because there is alsways something that you may want to expand on or put more time into. You may have a different perspective if you leave it for a while and come back to it. What drove me crazy is not having access to photoshop but it also drove me to be creative in other ways.
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