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Morse Spam

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Didn’t expect to have to use Morse code in a video assignment! With this assignment though, I have to. I headed over to this really cool site to brush up on my Morse code. I could’ve just used a cheat sheet or something, but that site’s more fun.

I needed to figure something out that I could convert to Morse code and put in the video. Since I’ve done a few assignments where I put together the internet with pre-internet things (that’s what my group’s entire radio show was about, after all), I decided to do the same thing here. The phrase I converted into Morse code is a pretty well-known spam phrase:

technically didn’t do exactly what the assignment asked, since it says to spell out a single word in Morse code to stump people. I did a phrase instead, but that’s more fun anyways! If you have time, try learning Morse code using the site I linked above before trying to understand the message!

To make this, I found an audio file on FreeSound (the one right here). This person spelled out “gol”, which requires the use of both dits (.) and dahs (-), so I was able to cut the sound file apart to get the two of them separately. I put them into Audacity and spelled out the phrase. Then, I went into Movie Maker and put the audio over a video showing the Morse code being beeped out for each word. The hardest part of the assignment was probably learning Morse code, but now I have a skill I’ll never need again!

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