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Weekly Summary – Week 15

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Final week and final project: done. I can’t believe the semester’s actually over. It’s been a ton of work, but it’s also been a ton of fun. First of all, here’s my advice for future DS106-ers. Hopefully it’s helpful! Then, of course, there was the final project.

Final Project

Check out the full final project post here. Man, this thing was a ton of work. I knew I was setting out to do a lot when I decided to make a conworld and work on some conlangs for the final project, and I didn’t manage to get quite as far as I’d wanted to on the conlangs. I mentioned Proto-Aphroditic in my final project post, which was the stage of English daughterlangs I’d wanted to get to, but I only managed to get as far as Venusian English. It makes sense, since conlangs aren’t exactly something you work on just over a couple of weeks, but it’s still a bit disappointing.

I’m really happy with what I did get, though. The map took forever to finish. Seriously. I spent several days working just on that. All day. The final file ended up several megs, so big that Inkscape actually lags whenever I’m working on it. I really like that flag I made, even though it didn’t actually count towards the four media category requirement. The rotating Venus gif looks really pretty, especially with the light being refracted by the atmosphere. So yeah, even though I’m disappointed I didn’t get as far as I’d wanted, I really like the stuff I ended up making. I’m definitely going to keep working on this world in the future.

And that’s it for DS106!

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