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Tommy and The Grandparents

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I’m Ready For My Closeup: Take a dramatic closeup of anyone’s face – an actor’s, a friend’s, your own – and superimpose a landscape or scene over the face. Since this is a mashup, get crazy with it. Take two completely unrelated images and put them together, then try to make a story out of it!
4.5 stars

‘The Room’ is a very interesting movie. The dialogue and facial expression are gold, priceless actually. So I chose the most memorable scene in the movie, which is when Tommy throws his water bottle with horrible acting anger and says, “I did not hit her… I did not”….as you can see he is visibly fuming. I then added the elderly into the mix and created a masterpiece.

Image result for i did not hit her tommy wiseau"
Not the exact picture…
Elderly Hurricane w/ horribly photoshopped Tommy

How it works:
1.) I found a picture of tommy wiseu and old people on google images and imported them into GIMP.
2.) I cut out the background on Tommy’s image and placed him over the elderly.
3. ) I then decided to crank it up a notch and make the elders a bit funky, so I chose the kaleidoscope effect on filters>distorts

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