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My Favorite Work By Others

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I really liked a lot of different works by so many different people. Everyone was creative in their own way and I enjoyed looking at what others created! Some of my favorite Daily Shoots are of the following:


This photograph was taken by electrovert
It is taken from such a unique view and it came out awesome!

Potomac Sunset

This photograph was taken by mg79mkiv
I love the colors in this photograph and it gives such a peaceful feeling! It was a perfect time to catch the sky looking like that and it reflecting into the water.

The 5 Card Flickr Story that I really liked was by Tell a story digital .
The story, “With a cup of coffee” was very creative. The pictures were so different from each other, but I like how they were able to link each photograph together to create the end. I also liked how the whole purpose came to just get a bagel. It was funny.

Besides the photos that I really liked, there were many design assignments that were pretty cool.

I really liked the assignment, “On this day” where you create your name like Google does with an event that happened on your birthday: Creating an assignment. It was created by Steph . I think it was such an interesting and creative thing to make! I really liked how it turned out. Also, I like that the idea was about Google, something that every uses and can relate to.

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