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Let Me Introduce Myself

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The assignment:

Do the Daily Create for 15 January 2013…  “Find nearest over-looked everyday object. Fabricate a story about it being a key part of your childhood.”

I wasn’t really interested in plastering my face across the screen…not just yet at least, I am sure that day will come!  This is my first attempt at any kind of movie, video, ever.


I did make a VHS tape with my sister for my parents Christmas present, our re-enactment of The Night Before Christmas circa 1989.  Boo.  I’m pretty sure that got lost in the “archives” somewhere.  ha.


This week was certainly a JUMP into the unknown for me.  Okay, so keeping a blog, not so much, I have a personal blog I’ve kept for about 5 years (5 YEARS??! how did that happen?)

Here’s what got me:

  • Think of a blog name, NOW! Oh, don’t let it be crappy…YOU ARE COMMITTED TO IT!
  • Set up social media accounts, twitter, flickr etc.  This was easy, I had everything except Sound Cloud already.
  • Make it look like something!  I totally slacked and picked a theme instead of designing my own, that would have taken me a month at least.  But it looks nice and it is fancier than what I would have been able to come up with, Thank you WordPress.
  • Make a video.  WWHHHHAAAAT?  I’ve never made a video!
  • Tell us ABOUT yourself

I really liked the ambiguous-by-design set up we have been given.  Yes, there are things we had to accomplish this week but other than that it seems no holds barred.  Love that.  I also love, LoVe, LOVE the interactivity that this media afford us as a group as well.  Plus, heck, it is fun!

I really enjoyed the TED talk by Kelli Anderson.  I love her perspective on reality-hacking.  Boiling this theory down I think it’s just being an advocate for change.  I think each of us can really be a catalyst for change around us.  She really hit a soft spot in my heart.  I started a project a while back dedicated to Making Change in small and surprising ways.  Sadly the documenting hit a back burner, this video reignited my desire to document change.

I’m excited for the rest of the semester, and can’t wait to be challenged.

Guess what ds106 Boot Camp week 1?  I think I kicked your butt.




Here’s my ds106 contact business if you are interested…Oh, I know you are!


Twitter: @dayeseye







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