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Routine Creativity

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Daily Create Summary for the Week of January 28 – February 3



The task: Make a blue screen of death message using type only.

A Life Error

I didn’t do this one on Monday, and I didn’t need to do it to get the three daily creates for this week, BUT… I just had to make one.

I see the blue screen of death (BSOD) probably once every 6 months as a Windows user. And every time it happens, I have been on the computer (idle or hibernating) for more than three days straight. So this is where I got the idea from.

The computers will turn on us and realize how we are effecting our lives and demand that we go outside or we’ll lose everything on our hard drives.


The task: Finish the sentence. “My biggest fear is…” What is the story of overcoming this?

Here is my response.

I almost didn’t want to do this one, because it’s a bit personal.

But then I started reading everyone else’s and realized something.


The task: Take/make a photo that represents math at work in the world.

This is geometry right?

This was difficult! I have avoided math as much as possible as a History major. I took a class on statistics and one on logic (not really math) so I could get the general education requirements I needed.

So I thought about geometry for math. I did well in that class, so when I saw this manhole cover on my walk back to my apartment, I thought it would be perfect. Plus, the colors are rather pretty.


The task: Make a picture of something broken. Literally or figuratively.

In the Spirit of Valentine's Day

I don’t keep things that are broken. If they are broken, then what’s the point of keeping it around? But then I saw the picture of two broken crackers and got inspired. I bought these cookies for a Super Bowl party, but I was dying to eat one. So this was the perfect excuse! I cut the cookie to resemble a “broken heart.” I like the way it came out.

It really is in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, too.

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