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An Album Cover Assignment (2 Stars)

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This picture is what I created for the “An Album Cover” assignment. After seeing Kaitlyn’s submission for this assignment, I decided to attempt this one too!

The directions are super simple. First, you click here, which directs you to a wiki article. The title of the article is your band name. I got this:

Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 8.12.40 PM

Pretty cool name, right?

Next, you click here, which directs you to a site with quotes. The last 4-5 words of the quote on the page is the album’s title. I got this:

Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 8.12.44 PM


Finally, you click here, and pick the third picture, which is the picture of your band’s album. Here, I got this:

Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 8.12.55 PM


So, once I got everything, I went on again and chose the advanced editor. There, I chose a cool looking filter, added in my texts, changed the colours, and BAM! My first album (cover!) Now, I just need a guitarist, bass player, drummer, vocalist, some cool hardcore songs to match the album cover, and we’re good.


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