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Defamiliarizing Ball Hall…

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When I discovered the Mission: Defamiliarize assignment, I immediately knew that I had to do it. I love taking photographs of details, at odd angles and focusing on things in a different way. While UMW has plenty of interesting places that I could defamiliarize, I chose Ball Hall, the Residence Hall which I have lived in for the past four years. Ball is the upperclassmen all female dorm and it is still gorgeous despite being nearly 80 years old. I wanted to not only look at things that I see every day but capture some of the great details of the building and show the aesthetic of such an old building.

I used my Sony DSC-HX200V camera to shoot the photos using the Automatic adjustment setting and used the zoom function as well as setting my camera at various angles, some of which involved me lying on the floor, to get the shots. Overall, I got nearly 100 photos but culled them down to the 10 that you see here.

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