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Summary of Week 8… oops

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So Spring Break decided to come a little early for me this year. My class on Thursday was cancelled, so when I heard, I was ecstatic, hopped in my car and went home on Wednesday night. I checked out for over a week, which clearly presented a problem as we had things due in this class just a few days later. And I obviously looked over them. OOPS

So Wednesday’s class was awesome, I loved talked about the radio shows we listened to for homework. It was a lot more fun listening to something for an hour than reading something for an hour (which I can admit I wouldn’t do if it took me that long). It didn’t require a lot of focus and I enjoyed what I was listening to.

I also did two daily creates. The ones from this week weren’t really that interesting, so I’m hoping this week’s are a little more fun! Although the avoiding the vowel one was kind of fun, I was thinking it was so easy until I realized the word “to” contains an o, and then all I wanted to do was use the word “to”.
We had to make a vox pop of people answering the question we were given in class. Mine was, “Do you even lift, bro?”. Most people didn’t know how to react. Some people didn’t say anything so that left for a lot of awkward silence, and I had to ask quite a few more people than I intended because I didn’t have any good content for my audio clip! If I could re-do it, I definitely would not ask that question. 
  • My vox pop

Finally, we talked about our radio show project that we’re going to do as a class. I like the theme, dating, because I think it comes with a lot of different angles.. good, bad, funny, sad, crazy, etc. It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.

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