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Weekly Summary

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The readings for this week were very, very hard to get through. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to apply them to this part of the class, but it was interesting to see how people (attempt to) write about images.

This was my first foray into photoshop, although my roommate Isabel is an expert and everyone should go look at her excellent photography. I’m not a huge fan of how complex it is and how little the buttons are, but I think I did okay so far. I did both photo challenges here and here.

I miss audio – I really liked interviewing people for the small projects we had, strangely more than video. And it got me back into listening to This American Life on a regular basis, which I’m very thankful for. 

I’m more apprehensive going into the image section because I’ve never been very good at photography – I took a class in 9th grade and I was useless. I think it takes a special eye to be able to tell a story through one soundless, motionless image. It will definitely be an adventure attempting to do that for the rest of the semester.

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