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Progress Continues

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I have managed to cut my video down to 11 minutes and 57 seconds, but part of me is worried that I won’t have enough time to actually talk. The thing about Vile Bodies and Bright Young Things is that they’re very wordy and the dialogue is the most important thing, especially with my argument. Hopefully I’ll be able to completely frame my argument in the few short moments where the scenes aren’t focused on dialogue in a coherent manner, which if you’ve ever read this blog or listened to my radio show can be difficult at times. Also, once I post the video and you’ve watched it, you might notice I included a couple of “cheesy” wipes. The movie actually uses similar wipes, so I feel justified in using them as well. And finally Handbrake will convert .wmv into .mp4 and .mp4 do work in iMovies so I will be able to do my voice over that way. Actually getting in to do that might be tricky, but on the other hand the Pollard media lab does have iMovies and, quite coincidentally, I work and have a key to the Pollard media lab. Very hand, no?

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