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Living the Dream!

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The Mary Washington Women’s Rugby team hasn’t made it to Nationals in the past 5 years. In the fall of 2008, the record held for over a decade was broken we they placed second in the state tournament. This past November, they entered the Virginia Rugby Union state tournament again, known as The Sandy & Lee Cup, to come out victors in first place.
Placing first allowed the ruggers to maintain the record as the only team that has participated in every MARFU quarterfinal since the team first began, as well as bringing the quarterfinal game to their pitch here at the Battlefields.

This is the tale of one team that is living the dream of going back to Nationals.



UMW Women’s Rugby from Ivania Martinez on Vimeo.

The song is Remember The Name by Fort Minor. The group shots were taken by DMac. All other credit goes to myself, the photographer and editor of this short video.

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