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Floundering around in YouTube

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Half of this post is a success story!
Patrick and I have uploaded the second chapter of Lost in Minecraft to YouTube!

We are quite pleased with it, and we were able to make several improvements,
based on input from people and our own observations.

We’re getting better at the whole production process, and they are going more smoothly now. We even experimented with some more types of shots in this one. It was fun!

There will be one more episode!

However, I am having all sorts of trouble with my video voiceover story…
I have so far been unable to download ANY YouTube videos…
I tried all the recommended downloaders on Jim Groom’s site,
(on both a PC and a Mac), and I even tried an online downloader.

Nothing seems to work! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

However, tomorrow I am going home for a couple days,
and I will have access to a DVD of the Princess Bride,
so I’ll probably just end up using Handbrake and
figuring it out that way…

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