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Who says saying goodbye is easy?

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As my final blog post, I would just like to say that I had a great time this semester in this class and I’m surprised as to how fast it went. A lot of cool things happened and I feel like everyone got really creative with their assignments. I personally enjoyed Valerie’s adventures with Naners and then Berry, it was really cool to see these little creatures up and about everywhere! I also thought Michael’s Aladdin video essay was quite funny and informative.
As with my work, I loved working on the visual/design assignments (hence my final project) and so one assignment that I’m particularly proud of is my “Troll Quotes” one I did when we had to pick whether we wanted to do a visual or design activity for one of our assignments:

I’m not sure exactly why I liked this one so much, I think it’s mainly because everything flows nicely together with the ancient rulers coming into play. And it’s also something that’s not hard for people to recognize since most people know how King Tut, Caesar, and Alexander the Great were.
Another one of my works that I’m proud of is the Firebug exercise we had to do. At first I thought this would be tedious and a little complicated to re write a whole web page, but picking the FML site to re write was a lot of fun especially since I picked a Friends theme. I’m not too crazy about everything that I wrote in it, I’m just proud that I did the whole process well by saving it into the ‘text’ every so often and actually changing an entire web page which I thought was pretty cool:

DS106 met my expectations by it being a fun course. When I first saw the course on eaglenet, I thought it would basically be telling pictures through video, picture, and creative writing which it mostly was, but I never anticipated the high-end software that we would be using. It never occurred to be that story-telling could be taken to a whole other level such as mashups, video essays, and animated gifs, but it was great to see that there are so many options out there to get your point/story across to the rest of the world. I didn’t expect it to be so much work, but I learned that it is crucial to pase yourself and if you do things ahead of time, it’s easy to stay on track with the assignments.
I had a fun time doing my final project, I wish I could’ve done more of the mini assignments, but I was struggling to find time to get them in and still be really creative about them. I think the ones I did turned out pretty nice, I really used my imagination on some of them and that’s what I really liked about this class. The options on how to do something were endless and it really gave one room to expand their imagination.
I can definitely see that I’ll be taking a lot of this class with me. I use the ScreenGrab all the time and it’s great for sending transcripts instead of having to copy paste them on to word and then the whole computer getting stuck because the file is so big. Sometimes I use the ScreenGrab to get images off the internet that I can’t download otherwise. With our daily photoshoot I improved my picture taking abilities and I see photography as more of an art now. I’ve also learned how to use Picnik and I realized how useful it is and how much alternation you can do to a picture with it.
I had a great time this semester and an excellent experience in this class.
Thanks for everything Martha!

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