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The hunt for a digital identity

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Dr. Oblivion told us to define ourselves through an avatar.

Why am I having such an issue with this?!

I’ve been on google, flickr, deviantart, everything, typing in my interests and still I cannot find anything I want to permanently represent myself, shannotate, on the WWW.

I’ve been toying with all sorts of ideas, a picture of a fox or a triforce, a panda or a keyblade, cuckoo clock, a lit match, sushi, n64 controllers, a swallow.  What represents me the best?  How do people “see” shannotate? Even I’m not too sure how I want to convey myself over the web.

I know Dr. Oblivion told us to do this ASAP, but I think I need a little longer to reflect on my options.  This shit is important.

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