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Baby You Could Be My Corona And Lime

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For yesterday’s Daily Shoot assignment, we had to make a photo of two complementary objects showing their relationship to each other. This one was kind of hard to grasp, but I think I managed. I didn’t want to do the obvious things like peanut butter and jelly (Not that that is a bad one, just saying) so I decided to wait it out and see what came to me as my day went on. The next thing I knew I was hanging out with some people drinking Corona with lime. Now, if those two aren’t complements of each other then I don’t know what is. I decided to put an unopened bottle of Corona on the left and a fresh, whole lime on the right, with the half drunk Corona with a lime in the top in the middle. I thought that showed their relationship pretty perfectly by having the the mixture of them in the  middle (and later on in my belly). Here is my Daily Shoot for Friday :)

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