I think I aged 20 years in the time it took me to do this assignment. It took me a long time for several reasons, and I’m still not truly happy with my final project. Here’s a couple obstacles I encountered, did anyone else have these?
- I couldn’t use the websites I wanted to, because they were too complex. I was going to use the Sam Adams Beer company website and turn it into Moe’s Tavern, but the website was completely made of images. I also had issues with Urbanspoon, which is too bad because it seemed like a simple interface and would have fit perfectly with my vision to advertise Moe’s Tavern from The Simpsons (the common ground between these two websites was that the first tag was not just a plain <html> text but a much more complicated <html…..etc> tag). Also I tried editing Facebook sites, but every time you scroll down the screen refreshes itself so that it gets longer. I could see this being problematic. So I kept it as simple as possible and used the Fredericksburg site for Carl’s Ice Cream shown below.
- I couldn’t figure out how to back up my progress properly. I found a text editing software and easily figured out how to copy and paste all of the .html text into it but at first I was saving it as just text and trying to copy it back into firebug, which of course is not possible. After tweeting Professor Groom I realized that I should have been saving it as an .html so that it would open automatically into a browser. Now my page would open, but it would be missing half of the things I did. I decided to proceed with caution and not save my work. Being extremely cautious with my cursor to not stray away from the page. At this point I figured this had to do, because I had spent forever on this assignment already
- After realizing there will be no saving my code, I decided that I should save a screenshot every time I change something, until I mess up. To me horror Screen grab didn’t work for me, I ran into the same problem that yall saw at the end of the firebug tutorial. Thank goodness I also downloaded FireShot, which worked better.
I was in the process of making this look a lot prettier and adding more content when I pressed something that refreshed the page by accident.
Here’s the last code I saved as well, even though it doesn’t appear to open right.
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