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This weather is schizophrenic…..

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This weather is making me sick already and the fall season has not even begun. It’s very uncomfortable to sleep with a stuffy nose. One day it is cold and the next humid. This global warming business is becoming more convincing, yet it is something that has happened because of human behavior. I take responsibility because I know I am not always conscience of the environment. Al Gore gave a very compelling argument in his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, but the bottom line is he does not live in a hut and ride a bicycle to work. He does not live off the fat of the land so while I enjoyed the documentary I felt like he was talking to air.

I am going to take these Nyquil tablets and see how it goes. I have enough to worry about trying to blog and synch my website for my CT101 class. Slowly but surely the mechanics are coming to me. The more I learn the more confident I become in mastering this whole blogging/ds106 ordeal.






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