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Assignment 1: Intro story

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I lost my poor meatball. You shall see that I find this title very fitting.

For Christmas, my parents got me this really soft, really nice new jacket that I really wanted. It is furry and white. My boyfriend told me as soon as I got the jacket that I should take it off EVERY time I eat because I tend to get something on my clothes, especially white clothes, every time I eat. Well…. you can see what’s going to happen right? Of course, my mom and I were at Subway (inside of Wal-mart) and I got a meatball sub. I didn’t want to take my jacket off because it was sooooo cold. So I left my jacket on. I felt like I was doing pretty good. I was halfway done with the sub and hadn’t gotten anything on myself… so far. Then, the meatball somehow fell out of the sub, bounced on the sleeve of my beautiful new jacket, then bounced onto the table. I was furious. My mom told me to go to the bathroom and try to wash it out. I did that and it didn’t work. I had to walk around the rest of Wal-mart with a wet sleeve stained with red meatball sauce. One of the first things we got at Wal-mart was stain remover which worked. The jacket it meatball sauce free now. But still, it was a very traumatizing experience. :( So not only did I stain my jacket, but I had to go home and explain to my boyfriend that…. he was right, which is as traumatizing as staining a brand new jacket.

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