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Lesson PieChart for January 23, 2012

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I continue to be delighted and amazed with the quality and intensity of effort so many of you are putting in. I was expecting to see only a few scattered blog posts and ds106 assignments by this point. Instead, I see a sizable group of students setting a high standard of publishing thoughtful, creative and abundant work. I think this will serve to provide an example for others in the class who are still trying to make sense of what’s going on here. I can’t help but feel things are only going to get better as everyone gets on board.

Let me briefly run through the items on the pie chart for Monday’s lesson:

Class States & Pioneers: I want to share a few numbers related how many students have done different some of the initial requested tasks. We will also need to talk about the “A” word. After covering the “A” word, I will invite a few students up to the dais to share what they’ve learned about some of the pioneers.

Student Conference Schedule: This will be a quick reminder that student conferences begin on January 27 and run for the following three lessons. I will be meeting with 5 students on each day for half the lesson time. This will amount to a total of 20 students over those four lessons. The remaining 20 students will need to meet with me later in the afternoon on 1/30, 2/1 or 2/3. At our next class (January 25), I will announce the first 20 students for “class time” conferences. I will also announce a public Google calendar which the remaining 20 students must use to schedule the “office hour” conference. A third option will be available to those not chosen for “class time” conference and able to attend “office hour” conferences. That option will to meet online over Skype or Google Plus Hangout. Everyone will want to attend class on the conference days because the remaining 30 minutes will be devoted to more mind-blowing awesomeness.

Adam Osborne Pokemon Card – Gimp Demonstration: It turns out I made my Pokemon Card ds106 assignment as difficult as could be. But along the way I learned a couple of hopefully useful techniques for working with Gimp. I intend to do a quick demonstration to end the lesson. I will conclude the demonstration after class is dismissed. Anyone who wants to stick around and chat while I finish up is welcome to. I intend to create a tutorial with screen capture images from this demo.

A reading assignment for Wednesday and Friday will also be announced at the end of the lesson and subsequently posted here.

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