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A 30 second intro…

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For the last couple of weeks I’ve been sailing a new home back to Hobart with my friend Richard.

To take full advantage of a favourable wind we sailed around the clock for 8 days straight, taking turns to man the helm (2 hours on and 2 hours off).

After crossing the notoriously unpredictable Bass Stright we were met by big seas and a fierce gale off the East coast of Tasmania. For 36 hours we fought to keep the boat upright and pointing in the right direction. When we finally found shelter I couldn’t help but think that we’d been lucky to survive.

Today it’s 5 days after that crossing, and I’m still feeling the after effects: an almost euphoric enjoyment of simple pleasures; and an attitude that problems and setbacks are rather unimportant. I hope it lasts.


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