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Pie Chart for February 8

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Color Scheme: Volunteer Try 5 by leassie 88 via ColourLovers

I’m really enjoying getting color schemes for these Pie Charts from a site Nana mentioned a few weeks back: ColourLovers. I downloaded the Volunteer Try 5 palette as GPL format and imported it into GIMP. Prior to today, I’d been typing in the codes for each of the colors. Importing is much easier and quicker. It can be done with Photoshop as well, I believe.

Speaking of the Pie Charts, I still don’t know how useful they to the class. For me, it helps to have a quick visual reminder of the main points to cover for each lesson. So until someone requests otherwise, I’ll continue to try posting them before class.

Here’s what’s on tap for February 8.

Questions Galore: I had a great time reading over the questions you wrote on the pop quiz on Monday. I’ve recorded all of them as a Google Document and shared the document with the class. I’d like to go over a few of these before talking about the O’Reilly article and the Creative Commons reading. I think many of these could be used as a starting point for blog posts in response to the article.

Web 2.0 & Creative Commons: I’ll do my best to share my take on the two readings. I hope we can manage some form of whole class discussion.

Group Work: By the end of class today, your group should have some chosen at least one infographic to analyze and determined a plan of attack. It would cool if you’d detail this plan of attack on your the Google Document your group is sharing with me.

Looking ahead to Friday, time will primarily be devoted to group work unless something else comes up. Standby for the next pie chart.

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