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Tutorials for VisualAssignment339

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Step 1; If you don’t already have an existing account on Photoshop create one.

Step 2; Upload image onto Photoshop

Step 3; With the image loaded in Photoshop, make sure to turn it into a layer by double clicking  on the images thumbnail in the layer palette with the padlock sign by it proving it is a locked layer, you can only edit after you unlock the layer.

Step4 ; With the layer now made editable, zoom the image to desired magnification , when u feel  image is pixilated enough.

Step 5; With  with the free-form pen tool selected from the tools palette, draw around the heads of the images by making sure you are cutting half-way into the pixels of the head.

With that done, right-click on the circles drawn and select  “make selection” individual for each person in the image. Cut it out after selection is made.

You should see dotted lines around the desired region.

Step 6; With the heads cut-out individually, they form their own layers and are editable. Hence they  can be moved around and placed anywhere desirable.

Step 7; When you feel you have got the desired effect, just go to file and save as “(desiredname.jpeg)”

Step 8;To highlight the effect of the Photoshop, I suggest uploading both pictures onto paint to show the before and after changes.

You should be good to go!


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