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TDC tatoo

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ogiwara by yukamohi
ogiwara, a photo by yukamohi on Flickr.

The assignment for today is to take your own or someone else’s cool tatoo.

I do not have my own tatoo so I’d like to introduce someone else’s tatoo.
Her name is Ogiwara Momoko??????. She is working as a fashion designer, a fashion manager, and a business manager.
I really like her concept of fashion, so I usually buy clothes from her company.

I’m not sure what her tatoo means but I like this tatoo. It’s cool, itn’t it??

She also produces tatoo stickers which are easy to put on and put off.

I never thought I wanted to have tatoo on my body because it seems really hurt……

Does anyone in this class have your own tatoo??
Was it hurt??

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