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Tutorials for VisualAssignment2

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1. First, download the scene from the film/TV show you want to create an animated GIF from.
• You can download clips from YouTube through
2. Using a video converter that can be found here , do the following
(a) Open the scene from the movie you which to select the particular scene you want to use.
(b) Select “Select In” (upper left corner of your screen under edit) at the beginning point of the scene you want to capture.
(c) Then select “Select Out” for the end point of the chosen scene.
(d) Select Trim(can also be found on the upper left corner of your screen under edit)
3. The next step is to export the images from MPEG to GIMP to wrap it all up.
(a) Go to file (extreme top left corner)–Export to other formats. After which you will need to optimize the settings for the export.
• It is important to change the Options for the sequence of the image. You should tell MPEG streamline how many how many frames per second (fps) and what format.
4. You are almost there, export and download your image into desired location.
1. All images should be imported as layers.
2. Select all images in the dialogue box that opens by hitting Shift and using the mouse to select all your images.
3. If you wish, scale the images (basically make them smaller).
4. Export image as an animated GIF. Location; Desktop, File Type; GIF image.
5. Once the image is saved, double check by making sure the “Save as Animated” radio button is selected.
After all is said and done, you should have your animated GIF ready. You can view it by dragging it into any web browser.

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