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Reflections from web 2.0

The transition from web 1.0 to 2.0 was a really good innovation for the web users.

For example: before we used netscape with web 1.0 and now with use google with web 2.0 which is one of the best web ever made. I believe this because i specially research everything in google. Im such a fan that my girlfriend even calls me mr.Google.

Also the creation of Flicker,youtube,Facebook and etc. have created no just a boring photo or publication but an innovate way of creating discussions.

Last but not least important the creation of those websites that you can buy stuff or you can bit for it like ebay’s,amazon and etc wich help you to find competitiv prices and also websites that help you find whatever you want.

Reflection on creativity is being strangle by the law

 I will say that the creation of technology has given us many thing like many ways to communicated but also we have lost many things like culture. for example; before we used to send letter to family members now you just send a text which make us empty.




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