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The Daily Create Roundup for Week 6 I think.

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Alright, time for the daily create round up. This week was just 3 different daily creates instead of the soul crushing 7 of the past two weeks. Most of my dailies went up a few days after the day in question because I was pretty busy this week. Can’t wait for spring break. Anyway started with saying my name backwards.

Next came the photo of featuring a favorite color. I don’t have a great love for any particular color but the picture below just looked cool and I liked the colors and lighting.

Night yellow and black

Finally came the perfect weather picture. I took that one today and uploaded it today! I snapped the picture walking back from Giant. I was going to just get the big blue sky in there but caught the building instead. I liked the building so I decided to keep it in there. Gotta love those cloudless, sunny, mild days.

Favorite type of weather

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