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Buh-Buh-Bumper Time

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Hello all! And welcome to melodie-photography!  Oh no, I’m still thinking like I’m on the radio or something…

SO, Study Abroad Kids on ds106 radio has been in progress for about a week now.  It started out slow because Lindsay, Maura, and I don’t see each other in class due to two of us being online students.  We had to put some effort into the coordinating part of this project.   Now that we have met and talked about everything I still don’t have a clear concept of what we are producing here.  But that’s probably because I’ve never done a radio show before and only listen to WTOP, Elliot in the Morning, or Acoustic Sunrise. It seems to be working out smoothly though because I made a bumper for the 5 min. deadline on Thursday and it’s not too bad.  I like making mashups of different songs anyways and create electronic music so the recording wasn’t a big deal.  I used logic and a mic along with some audio clips I downloaded from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, an airplane, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  I had a lot of fun making it and it didn’t take too long.

Since my group won’t be seeing each other until after break we unfortunately have to do most of the show on our own.  I’m excited for it all to be put together though because I think it will blend nicely.  We are talking about experiences and wisdom brought back from studying abroad like what to do if your parents are visiting or recipes for European dishes. You may be surprised I am doing a cooking segment, but there will be some very interesting guests and callers.  I cannot be more passionate about Italian cuisine and I’m going to try and blend in some comical characters(even if i do have to do all the voices).  Here’s the bumper from last week:

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