Good morning. Here are the daily creates for week 8 (I was calling them week 9… Spring Break threw me off), all in one blog post to make things more organized and to not blow the ds106 site up with my daily creates. I will from here on out just make one post with all the daily creates at the end of the week (sorry Jim Groom!). So for now, this is a bit redundant because I already have posted some of these daily creates, but for the sake of seeing this later and remembering to make one post for the entire week, I’m putting all of week 8 up here right now.
#1 – tdc65 – show your workspace! I did a little bit of editing to this video, in that I added some clips here and there.
#2 – tdc66 – why is ds106 the best thing since cat breading (or “da bees knees” ) ?? Here’s why!
#3 – tdc67 – “make an artistic photo that includes one of your toes!” I feel like toes are something that have come up previously in this class…
#4 – tdc69 – Tell everyone what you would do if you had three hours to live. My mom thought I was weird, but I think it would be fun and peaceful all at the same time!
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