Do you hate the flag of your country? Well I do and so for this assignment, I request that you make a new flag on behalf of your dear country. Think of it this way, the President of your country walks up to you and says “Abbie, help us design a new flag that will stand out amongst that of many other countries. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your country’s flag, chose a flag from a country you’ve visited before, or one that you wish to visit someday. You all know I love Ghana my motherland, aside the heat, the other thing I really hate is our flag, it’s too simple and a lot of other African countries have the same flag. It makes it hard for Ghana’s flag to stand out and so I decided to make a new flag which believe it or not I plan to email to the Ghana Embassy to be considered as a replacement since most people like my “remixed version”. I respect my country so much and so I stuck to the original colors, red, gold(yellow) and green. I also replaced the star in the middle with our Coat of Arms which is unique to Ghana alone. 1957 is also when we officially gained Independence from the British and put an end to slavery. Whew! had to throw that in there.
To help you judge, I put both flags side by side, I will not tell you which one is mine but vote on it and hopefully mine wins. Goodluck! This is a fun assignment and shouldn’t take long to complete.
Posted by Abbie Boaduwa Yirrah
April 12, 2012
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