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Design An Invoice Remixed-Pollack Style (6 stars)

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The design an invoice assignment was to originally create a invoice for a transaction that has happened in a either a film or TV series. When remixed pollack style, the assignment was to introduce the visual elements of Jack Pollack’s paintings into the invoice.

In order to do this assignment I first searched google for a image of Jack Pollack’s paintings. This is what i found:

At first glance I thought this would be a hard style to incorporate into anything that has text in it because of all the colors and lines. However after some thought I came to the conclusion that I can simply use gimp and draw all sorts of lines all over the invoice, and use all the colors that he used in his picture. Firstly I chose to use invoice. I chose this on in particular because it had a simply white background which would make it very easy to just draw Pollack’s design on. After saving the original invoice as a image, I opened it up in gimp and used the paintbrush function to draw on the styling that Pollack’s uses in the above photo.

This was my finished result:

I thought it didn’t come out as well as I thought it would simply because his style is so busy, and unless one right it’s hard to make it look good. I used some of the paint dab function because if I drew lines everywhere it would make it hard to make our what the text said, but I believe this took a lot away from the style of Pollack.

In the end, I thought this was a great assignment. It allowed me to learn about a artist’s technique and style, and while trying to mimic it I realized how hard it really is to be a talented artist.





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