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Initial Thoughts About Web 2.0 Storytelling

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I found both of this week’s readings very insightful, especially the Web 2.0 Storytelling article. I completely agree with it when it explains how telling a story in the modern world is fairly easy especially when you are looking for a large audience to tell it to. Although storytelling over the web is extremely common nowadays, I myself have never actually stopped to think about it because I just took it for granted. It’s just so common that I never took the time to actually process how big of a deal it is to share your thoughts with the rest of the world. It’s true, people blog all the time, share their opinions, tell about their day, make up stories, share their dreams, etc. Since computers are so accessible nowadays, and typing has become a lot easier than writing for most people, it’s a lot more common for people to be writing on a computer, than for someone to write with pen and paper. This makes it easier for them to just post it on the web mainly because it’s right there. Why not share what you wrote to everyone and anyone who wants to read it, right? Of course, like the article says, we have the option to set it as private so that only the people who we want to read it will and that’s just what’s so great about technology. We pretty much have the option to do anything!
Before entering this class and reading this article, I had never thought of what people write on the Internet as “stories” but when I think about, I realize that that’s exactly what they are. I also agree with the article when it says that stories nowadays are open ended (especially if they are posted on the web) because people are going to be commenting with other anecdotes, questions, or corrections. Different people will have different comments about what you write, so there’s going to be different interpretations on everything written. Nowadays you can post videos, pictures, and other things that will tell a story just as well as written words. There’s just so many ways to get your ideas out there with this advancement in technology that it is indeed possible to tell a story in any shape and form!

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