Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @_evanmay_

    History 2.0 (the actual show this time)

    Our radio show is done! You can read about the process for creating it in the process post here. We used a bit of music in some of the bumpers, so hopefully SoundCloud doesn’t remove it for copyright infringement or something. It’s up for now at least, so here you...
  2. @_evanmay_

    History 2.0 (Week 2 Progress)

    We made a lot of progress on the radio show this week! I mean, we had to, since it was due at the end of the week, but still. The group met up earlier this week at the sound recording booth in the Convergence Center to record most of the...
  3. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 6

    Another week draws to a close. We started work on the Radio Show this week and did some more audio work. I gotta say, audio assignments have so far been my least favourite of the bunch. 1) Daily Creates @ds106dc #ds106 — Evan May (@_evanmay_) October 4, 2016 Pretty...
  4. @_evanmay_

    History 2.0 (Week 1 Progress)

    I found a group for the radio show! The groups consists of Gail Crunkhorn, Daniel Valdez, Connor Henning, and myself. We’ve decided to use one of my radio show ideas (seeing how the internet would’ve changed the past), and we’re calling the show History 2.0. We haven’t had a chance to...
  5. @_evanmay_

    History 2.0 Logo

    I tried my hand at making a logo for my group’s radio show: History 2.0. As the show is about how history would be different if people during different historical events were given access to the internet, I decided to try to make a logo that combined the old and...
  6. @_evanmay_

    No Lyrics

    ★★★½ For my last assignment, I did the Favorite Song assignment. I have a handful of songs that I like more than the others on any given day, so I don’t really have a single favourite; it’s more like a set of favourites. Either way, I chose one of the songs...
  7. @_evanmay_

    One Second Soundtrack

    ★★★☆☆ Assignment number two. I’m doing a slightly modified version of the Contest Nobody Could Win assignment. I’m supposed to take less than one second from six random songs and put them together, while you guys are supposed to guess. I looked through my music for a while before realising that...
  8. @_evanmay_

    Reversed Firsts

    ★★★½ Finally getting around to actually posting my assignments for the week. First one I’m doing this week is the the Reverse Audio Quiz, where I have to reverse a song and give hints as to what song it is. It’s pretty self-explanatory, really. I spent a while looking through...
  9. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 5

    I set out to do stuff earlier this week, then I got sick for several days and couldn’t do things like the Design Blitz as easily. Of course. At least I managed to get everything done again. 1) Daily Creates @ds106dc not exactly "digital safety" but whatever#tdc1723 #ds106 —...
  10. @_evanmay_

    Another New Timeline

    ★★☆☆☆ For my last assignment, I decided to change the events of a whole movie with one little change of dialogue. I watched the first of the Star Trek reboots earlier this week, so I decided to mess with that movie. Specifically, the scene where Captain Pike dares Jim Kirk to...
  11. @_evanmay_

    Design Concepts in Four Cans of Soda

    This week we had to do a DesignBlitz. I was sick for the first half of the week and couldn’t really look around for things exhibiting good design concepts until the week was almost over. I’m visiting my dad this weekend, and have been trying to figure out some good...
  12. @_evanmay_

    Design Thoughts

    This article’s supposed to be design thoughts, but it seems like about 3/4 of the material was about typography, so most of the response will be about that. The Vignelli Canon was interesting as a view into the thoughts and design practices of an important designer. One particularly interesting point...
  13. @_evanmay_

    Show Your Work 2.0

    After responding to the article about Show Your Work around a month ago, I now have to respond to chapters 2 and 3 of the actual book. I think I’ll talk a bit about each chapter separately, then discuss my thoughts about the book itself. 2) Think process, not product As I...
  14. @_evanmay_


    ★★★☆☆ Third assignment time. I found this assignment where I’m supposed to edit a propaganda poster and make it DS106 propaganda. I flipped through some old WWI-era posters and found this gem: For some reason, it feels super clickbait-y. Almost like “What THIS one soldier did will make YOU want to join...
  15. @_evanmay_


    ★★★½ Second assignment time! This time it’s also about space (in fact, it’s in the same world). This time I’m creating a simple but detailed logo for a fictional company. I decided to make the logo of a major company in the sci-fi world I mentioned in my last post. The...
  16. @_evanmay_

    One Giant Leap

    ★★★★☆ First design assignment! I’m starting out with this assignment where I’m supposed to make a poster for an upcoming event. I decided that I’d instead make a poster for an event in the history of one of my conworlds. My girlfriend and I are working on a sci-fi world together. In this...
  17. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 4

    I am coming right down to the wire this week. I was really busy with my other classes, my birthday was this Wednesday, and I’m visiting my family this weekend, so I spent a good chunk of today in the car. Fortunately, I managed to get everything done just in...
  18. @_evanmay_

    Radio Show Ideas

    Some random possible ideas for radio show stuff: People watch a terrible and have to explain why it’s a masterpiece The above but with any other form of media Cool things/resources you’ve found on the internet New tech things on the horizon How events in history would’ve been different if the people...
  19. @_evanmay_

    Radio Bumper

    ★★★★☆ Now for what would normally be a 4-star assignment: the Radio Bumper! I went onto freesound and got myself a little jazzy tune, because that seems like the radio thing to do. I recorded the voice part of the bumper in audacity and put the two together, giving me...
  20. @_evanmay_

    … — …

    ★★★½ Fun fact: I love space. So, for my sound effect story, I made this: Essentially what goes on is someone is in their spaceship and they leave the space station they’re in. They cruise in hyperspeed for a bit before they receive a distress signal. They drop out of...
  21. @_evanmay_


    ★★☆☆☆ For my last assignment, I did the assignment where I have to read a spam email out loud. I looked through my school email’s spam folder, and found this gem: These “your account is invalid” phishing emails always have horrendous grammar and spelling. I love them. Anyways, here’s my...
  22. @_evanmay_

    ????? ????? ?? ??????ss

    ★★★★½ Second assignment this week is B-Flat. I’m supposed to use Audacity to flatten the vocals of a song by one half-step. The song I decided to flatten is Under Cover of Darkness by the Strokes. Here’s the normal version of the song: I searched around on YouTube and managed...
  23. @_evanmay_

    Audio Reflection

    Hope you guys are ready for a flood of posts over the next few hours. I don’t watch/listen to much horror-related stuff, so I won’t really be able to give my thoughts on that for this reflection. I can talk about some other cool stuff though. One of my favourite...
  24. @_evanmay_


    ★★★★☆ Let’s get started on these audio assignments! For the first one I’m doing Make it 800% Slower, which entails, as might be expected, making a song 8 times slower. Since most songs hover around the 3-5 minute mark, most of them end up around 24-40 minutes when stretched out....
  25. @_evanmay_

    9 Reasons the Amish Were Right about DS106

    For today’s daily create, I used the Portent Title Generator to generate a title for a blog post I’m supposed to write. I got this amazing title: Now, the Amish are well-known for being pretty anti-technology, so I figure they wouldn’t be too big on DS106. They could probably come up...
  26. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 3

    Third week done! I was busy with assignments for my other classes this week, so I got a bit behind on my DS106 assignments. I managed to finish them all in time, though! I did quite a lot this week: 1) Daily Creates @ds106dchow meta am I allowed to be#tdc1709...
  27. @_evanmay_

    Photo Features

    I searched around on Flickr to find some cool shots that demonstrated the important points pretty well: Selection Since this is a long-exposure shot, a decent amount of time and planning had to go into this. Contrast I love the contrast between the silhouette of the landscape and the deep...
  28. @_evanmay_


    I generated a photoblitz and got this: 1) Take a photo that includes objects near and far (deep depth of field) Took a picture from the top of the hill next to Jefferson. 2) A photo frame is rectilinear. Fill that frame with a circular subject. I hope this counts as a...
  29. @_evanmay_

    Visual Storytelling Reflection

    To be entirely honest, I’m not really much of a photographer at all. I don’t just mean I’m not skilled at photography in an artistic way, I mean I just flat out don’t take many pictures. I have, however, noticed how much the internet has changed the way people take...
  30. @_evanmay_


    ★★★½ For my last assignment this week, I decided to do the assignment where you make something using only 4 lines, 5 dots, and 1 curve. I still had to do one assignment relating to the internet, so this is going to be that one. I ended up making this:...

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