Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @_evanmay_

    112 – Give Him Power

    ★★★☆☆ I remember seeing this forum game years ago where you’d get some a band name from the title of a Wikipedia article, an album title from the last few words from a random quote on a quotes website, and an album coverfrom the popular images on an image hosting site....
  2. @_evanmay_

    Minus Mona Lisa

    ★★★☆☆ (Warning: Long post, lots of images) I was flipping through the Visual Assignments in the Assignment Bank, and found an assignment about glitch art that seemed pretty neat. So I downloaded this image of the Mona Lisa from Wikipedia and opened up the image in Notepad++. I decided to see what...
  3. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 2

    Second week down. It was way busier than last week, since we actually had creative assignments this week. So, things I did this week: 1) Daily Creates @ds106dc"unhexatrigepentacentepentasexagemillesimally"'represented in a base other than base-65536'#tdc1702 #ds106 — Evan May (@_evanmay_) September 6, 2016 You have no idea how long it took to...
  4. @_evanmay_

    Thanks, Apogee

    ★★☆☆☆ I realised I’d missed an important part of the requirements for the assignments this week: be sure to choose assignments from 3 different categories I wasn’t sure what to do for this one, so I decided to get on Steam to take a little break from working. Of course,...
  5. @_evanmay_

    Suns, Only Abstract

    ★★½ Since the last two assignments were more time-consuming and involved (especially that tutorial. Thing took forever), I decided to try to find a more relaxing assignment for my last assignment of the week. I found the Shiny Like Silk assignment, and decided to check out the link in the description....
  6. @_evanmay_

    Web 2.0 Storytelling

    Wow, that was a long one. This article (chapter?) is a good overview of some of the ways artists have adapted the storytelling process to the internet. While these new mediums—blogs and Twitter, for example—storytelling has been able to be community-driven in a way that was never really possible before...
  7. @_evanmay_

    Flagmaking in Inkscape

    ★★★½ (please add a half star symbol, Unicode) For my second assignment from the Assignment Bank, I’m going to be finding a digital tool and writing a tutorial. To be specific, the tool I’m going to be using is Inkscape, an open-source vector graphics program. In case you don’t know, there...
  8. @_evanmay_

    Some Things Never Change

    ★★☆☆☆ For my first assignment from the Assignment Bank for DS106, I’ve decided to do the Wayback Machine Assignment. I’m supposed to use the Wayback Machine to look at versions of a website in the past, and compare it with later versions. Instead, I’ll be looking at a website that doesn’t have...
  9. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 1

    First week of ds106 is done! I didn’t get to do too much creative stuff for the class this week, since it’s the first week. I look forward to doing stuff like the Daily Creates starting next week. As for the things I actually did this week: Intro Post First...
  10. @_evanmay_

    The Internet

    1) Response to “How To Break Open The Web” This article brings forward two possibilities for the internet: A more centralised web, controlled and dominated by governments and corporations (the direction the internet currently appears to be heading) A more decentralised web, similar to the original conception of the internet, built...
  11. @_evanmay_

    Show Your Work

    Instead of giving my thoughts on Kleon’s article as a whole, I’ll say what I thought about each of the 10 points he brought up. 1) You don’t have to be a genius. This point is has a pretty standard message: “be yourself!” It’s an important thing to remember, but,...
  12. @_evanmay_

    DS106 Intro

    My name is Evan and I’m in #ds106 this semester. I’m really bad at intro-type things like this. I'm really bad at introductions so a "Hi I'm Evan" is hopefully good enough #ds106 — Evan May (@_evanmay_) August 31, 2016 I guess I should give some facts about myself. I’m...

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