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  1. ahollyer

    New Assignment #2

    Here is the link to the second assignment I created, there are two of them under the same name because the first one I created the URL was not linked back to the example in Flickr. Sports Poster Assignment
  2. ahollyer

    Final Project

    Once upon a time, there was a professional football player named Robert Griffin III, he was a super star in college, winning the Heisman Trophy, which is the highest honor for a single player in college football. He was the … Continue reading
  3. ahollyer

    Weekly Summary #4

    Reading Movies Look, Listen, Analyze Video Assignment #1 Video Assignment #2 Tutorial #2 Assignment Creation #1 Daily Create #1 Daily Create #2 Daily Create #3 Usman Owns Comment Amanda’s Locale Comment The Insider Comment Court’s View Comment Weekly Summary Reflection: … Continue reading
  4. ahollyer

    Week 3 Summary

    Daily Create 1 Daily Create 2 Daily Create 3 Daily Create 4 Summary of Audio Story Audio Storytelling Summary Reflection on Comments/Posts Audio Tutorial Audio Assignment 1 Audio Assignment 2 What I learned This week I feel as if I … Continue reading
  5. ahollyer

    Daily Create #2

    For todays Daily Create, the prompt was to draw on your hand and paper and mesh the two together. Now I am not a very good drawer so I decided on something simple and that happened to be a pizza.
  6. ahollyer

    Daily Create #3

    For todays Dailycreate, the prompt was to draw a picture on a napkin, so in honor of today being the Fourth of July, I drew fireworks and an American flag on a napkin.

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