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  1. anniemelzer

    Pool Time

    Todays TDC I chose a random one and the directions were to take a picture of your view today.  This will be my day today.  I read that is is going to be 97 degrees so pool time is looking very promising.  I have to go to the gym to run a few miles and I… More Pool Time
  2. anniemelzer

    Creating your own world

    The second chapter of New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning, dove deep into a greater understanding of Discourse.  I am not sure I completely understood the talk about anticipation.  A football reference was mentioned concerning how  players learn to anticipate where is the ball is going, or even how other players are going to… More Creating your own world
  3. anniemelzer

    Prost! Oktoberfest

    Todays The Daily Create was to draw a picture of the best moment in your life.  My favorite times in my life were celebrating Oktoberfest in Germany.  I spent hours in a tent singing German songs I didn’t know and talking to people I will never see again.  I felt like I was living in a… More Prost! Oktoberfest
  4. anniemelzer

    Looking for a new job or maybe a new career path because of this class? Look no further.

    For my first digital story I chose to watch a TED talk. Amy Cuddy’s “Your body language shapes who you are,” is a fascinating look at the power of nonverbal behaviors.  I was immediately drawn to this video because she spoke about a “free no-tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this:… More Looking for a new job or maybe a new career path because of this class? Look no further.

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