Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92891 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. blamb


    untitled shared CC by Foxtongue Gaston Gordillo goes deep: The Vancouver riots were a moment of rupture of the sanitized image that our local elites cultivate about Vancouver The Beautiful as a global brand. The corporate media lost control of … Continue reading
  2. blamb


    I’m one of many people having a blast listening to and helping to program Radio ds106 (widget on the sidebar)… While at first glance it is something that seems superfluous and even gratuitous (“…a course with its own radio station?”) … Continue reading
  3. blamb

    Bags of Gold

    I am looking forward to seeing what form these words will take next… — Jabiz Raisdana We ripped this off on the improvised first take, fueled by @draggin’s awesome Ukrainian cuisine, @keiramc’s homebrewed ale, and not only did @grantpotter lead … Continue reading
  4. blamb

    In a gif-fy

    A few more animated gifs (below the jump)… these ones made using a combination of – MPEG Streamclip and ImageJ applications, a couple great freeware tools via Grant that have both proven to be very useful. I still haven’t figured …
  5. blamb

    A slice of a living abjection

    Here’s my assigned introductory video for ds106. I gotta admit, I’ve been pretty busy and the week has gotten away from me, so I just hit the record button and let ‘er rip. Just a few representative moments of what …
  6. blamb

    Prodded by shame

    Jim Groom and the author in happier, more depraved times shared CC by D’Arcy Norman There’s a simple explanation why I’ve started this space up: I’ve been informed that my participation in ds106 is contingent on doing so. And a …
  7. blamb

    Ashamed to say…

    That this is the first animated .gif I have ever created. Does anyone recognise this essence-capturing scene from one of my favorite movies? That was done with the help of Jabiz Raisdana’s post. Now, if only I can figure out … Continue reading

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