Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Colin Schulz

    Design An Invoice Remixed-Pollack Style (6 stars)

    The design an invoice assignment was to originally create a invoice for a transaction that has happened in a either a film or TV series. When remixed pollack style, the assignment was to introduce the visual elements of Jack Pollack’s paintings into the invoice. In order to do this assignment I first searched google for ...
  2. Colin Schulz

    My Thought of Remixing DS106

    After class last night I thought it will be appropriate to give professor some insight on his idea of remixing ds106. After some thought, I came to the conclusion that its a excellent idea. I say this because when you hear the idea of making art, you immediately think of creativity. What’s more creative then ...
  3. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap ( 4/2/2012 – 4/8/2012)

    A Drawing Of Love (4/3/12 Daily Create) For the drawing of love daily create I searched google and came across this picture. I thought it was really cool because you always see stop signs saying stop eating meat, but never, never stop loving.   This Doesn’t Make Sense (4/4/12 Daily Create) For this doesn’t make ...
  4. Colin Schulz

    Teach in: Colin Schulz’s 5 Movies, 5 Seconds

    Before doing any video assignments for this class I had no prior knowledge or experience with video editing software. The first time I ever opened iMovie I was’t sure where to start, but after trying and failing so many times I practically taught myself. iMovie is very easy to use, everything is already laid out ...
  5. Colin Schulz

    Tutorial : 5 Movies, 5 Seconds

    by This tutorial is for the 5 movies, 5 seconds video assignment. I chose five movies and decided that I would do the famous lines from each of the five movies, and put in some special affects using iMovie. This tutorial will show you how to complete this assignment using iMovie. STEP 1 The first ...
  6. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap ( 3/36/12 – 4/1/12)

    Local Geological Feature (3/27/12 Daily Create) For the local geological feature I used a picture of the Fredericksburg battlefield sign. I chose to use this picture in particular because it represents what Fredericksburg is known for, and that’s history! Glamorize Your RIde (3/38/12) Since the ride that I wanted to glamorize was back in New ...
  7. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap ( 3/36/12 – 4/1/12)

    Local Geological Feature (3/27/12 Daily Create) For the local geological feature I used a picture of the Fredericksburg battlefield sign. I chose to use this picture in particular because it represents what Fredericksburg is known for, and that’s history! Glamorize Your RIde (3/38/12) Since the ride that I wanted to glamorize was back in New ...
  8. Colin Schulz

    Something I came Across

    Hey everyone, so today while reading some articles online I came across one about digital media. In the article some people stated that digital media on social networking sights is like having a second language. What they mean by this is all the words we use while on social media such as ttul, g2g. After ...
  9. Colin Schulz

    Number 9 (Video Assignment)

    For the number video assignment I chose to use the number nine simply because it is my favorite and lucky number. My thinking behind this project was simple, find pictures that represent the number nine in every day life. After a little bit of thinking and searching google I found a lot of good pictures, from ...
  10. Colin Schulz

    This Changed My Life (Video Assignment)

    For the scenes that changed my life video assignment  I chose three scenes which I believe impacts and or represented my life in some way. This assignment mean a great deal to me because it made me think about if particular scenes from the movies that i’ve seen in the past really impacted my life on ...
  11. Colin Schulz

    The Start of The DS106 Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to a fitness theme. I’m going to create a web site solely on fitness, which contains all the resources you need to stay fit. My website would not only include information on certain workouts, but also sample workouts, printable workout logs, supplement reviews and articles written my be containing ...
  12. Colin Schulz

    The Start of The DS106 Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to a fitness theme. I’m going to create a web site solely on fitness, which contains all the resources you need to stay fit. My website would not only include information on certain workouts, but also sample workouts, printable workout logs, supplement reviews and articles written my be containing ...
  13. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap (12/18/12 – 12/224/12)

    Liminal States Between Two Realities ( Daily Create for 3/18/2012 )  For photographing the idea of a liminal state between two realities I chose to take a photograph of me looking outside of a window. The outside of the window represents nature and freedom, and the frame of the window represents what our world has ...
  14. Colin Schulz

    Product Review (Video Assignment)

    For my product review video assignment I chose to do a product review on my Iphone4. Although there isn’t much to say about the process of doing the video, I did however include some detail regarding the phone. I discussed about the phones camera capability, safari, e-mail integration, and most of all it’s sleek durable ...
  15. Colin Schulz

    Opening Credits Redux (Video Assignment)

    For the opening credits redux assignment I chose to do the credits for Superbad. I chose Superbad because it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. In order to do the credits I used the multiple effects in iMovie, and I used clips that I found on youtube. I really enjoyed this assignments because ...
  16. Colin Schulz

    Make A Tutorial (Video Assignment)

      For my make a tutorial video assignment I chose to make a tutorial showing how to make your own workout log in order to have a better, more organized workout. In order to make a screen movie I used Screen Record 2, which I downloaded the free demo version online. To make the workout ...
  17. Colin Schulz

    Video Essay (Video Assignment)

    For the video essay video assignment I chose to do a analysis on The Dark Knight. In order to make the movie analysis, I went to youtube and carefully chose clips that I wanted to talk about. In particular I went into detail regarding the outlay of characters and their roles in the film, and ...
  18. Colin Schulz

    Looking Back on LBD Radio

    For my groups radio show we decided to do a show called Life Before Death Radio. Life Before Death Radio is a show about what each of us would like to do before we die. It represents the MTV show called Buried Life, except in radio show format and with more debate and conversation about ...

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